I have been an entrepreneur my entire working life. Upon leaving school in 1987 I focused on creating information management systems that lead to the development of financial trading applications and a health record management product. In 1992 we entered into a partnership with Reuters to create digital signage for trading floors which was globally distributed by them. In the following years brokerages and banks began to turn their attention to retail and what was our inwardly facing displays were now being turned outwards to face the public. From there, we went on to be the first in our industry to embrace software as a service, the first to adopt HTML over proprietary formats, and open source many of our applications. We were also the first to adopt a freemium model. Today we are the largest provider of LED Ticker systems in North America and our digital signage software as a service is used in over 128 countries. Our displays are used in almost every setting imaginable but our content focuses primarily on Secondary and Postsecondary Education environments and financial trading labs.