What if you knew data behind the fastest growing SaaS companies today? Each morning join Nathan Latka as he spends 15 minutes interviewing SaaS founders. You'll learn how SaaS CEO's launched their startup and grew it into a business. SaaS Founders range from bootstrapped to funded, MVP to 10,000 customers, pre revenue to pre IPO.
CEO of Linkfluence, a SaaS platform that turns social data into valuable insights for global brands, using AI and the human expertise from 100+ data scientists and analysts. Co-founder & CEO of Scoop.it, a web content monitoring SaaS platform acquired by Linkfluence. Entrepreneur since 2000: Musiwave (first mobile music platform, acquired by Microsoft), Goojet (pre-iPhone mobile widget platform). Startup advisor and investor: Tedemis (email retargeting, acquired by Criteo), The Refiners, Impact (cross-border accelerators in San Francisco).